Great coaching is about putting people first

Tell me more about coaching

Why do I need a coach?

Life can be complicated, exciting, confusing, contradictory, and lots more besides. Having someone who listens, asks powerful questions and helps you to unlock the answers is just what we need at certain times in our lives. That’s what professional coaches do.

What does coaching look like?

A coach starts with listening, builds rapport and empathy, and quickly gets a sense of what you want to explore. Coaches don’t jump to easy conclusions, and more often than not the initial area of exploration takes a different turn and soon we’re on a path less travelled that leads to a positive outcome. Coaching helps to identify self-limiting beliefs and behaviors, helps individuals look forward, and helps them take action to improve performance.

What coaching isn’t

Coaching isn’t therapy or counselling. We focus on the present and the future, not the past. Though coaches draw on their experiences to offer guidance, they don’t show their clients how to do something or offer solutions. That’s up to the person being coached!

What does being coached by Bill feel like?

As an experienced coach I identify the most appropriate techniques to coach you effectively, and my aim is to have a coaching conversation that feels like a natural discussion with a trusted companion. It’s in no way formulaic, and it’s never coaching by numbers! During coaching I’ll share my experiences when you want me to, but I’ll ask for your permission first.

My team and leadership coaching has a slightly different slant. As a certified Agile coach I employ a ‘coaching stance’ that moves between coaching, mentoring and teaching (for example, on techniques that help with individual or team development). Team and leadership coaching is based on Agile Principles and Values and the Agile Mindset.

Most of all, I hope you feel my enthusiasm shining through our coaching conversations, and know that you’ll always be given the space to explore.

Connecting you to me


Set up a free consultation

Use the contact form to get in touch and request a free 60 min introduction call. You’ll have the chance to talk about your goals and we’ll discuss how coaching can help. There’s no obligation and no pressure, and we’ll make the decision to move forward together.


Agree a coaching plan

If you decide to continue, we’ll agree how we want to work together.

We’ll set some high-level goals and agree a direction of travel, but don’t be surprised if things change over the course of the coaching!


Start coaching

Besides the coaching sessions, you’ll have access to development tools that you can use by yourself, or in conjunction with our sessions. You’ll also have space between sessions to reflect, experiment and follow up on any actions.